SECo provides an experienced team for LiDAR scanning and cloud processing services. SECo’s team is experienced with the use of Leica products including scanner RTC360s and GPS GG04 including associated Leica software, Zeno Mobile, Register 360 and Field 360.
Improve Design Quality - The point clouds provide a highly accurate representation of the scanned areas including GPS coordinates on the state plan. This ensures physical drawings are accurate to the field conditions during construction and ensures transmission line connections to the substation are exact.
Added Value - Integrated with the SECo substation and transmission line engineering teams to ensure high quality point clouds meeting engineering requirements.
Service Offerings
LiDAR Services
Internal LiDAR resources and teaming agreements
Collection and point cloud consolidation / clean-up services
Survey Grade GPS equipment
As-built model creation
LiDAR Equipment
Leica RTC 360 Scanner
Leica Field 360 Software
Cyclone 360 Software
GG04 GPS System and Target Poles
Autodesk Inventor
AutoCAD Electrical
Autodesk Vault
Spatial Business Systems Substation Design Suite plugin for Physical
3D Modeling Services
Substation 3D Modeling
Workflow and library development
Model development for all voltage levels and all BUS configurations
3D model overlays of new and existing facilities
Create standardized drawings
ACADE/SDS Services
Automated wiring diagrams
Standard drawings
workflows and library development
Wiring automation